Theology, Philosophy and Ethics

In the Autumn Term, Professor Adrian Moore visited College to lecture on ‘Immortality and Infinity.’ In the same term our Sixth Form visited the local Theology Society Severn Forum lectures to hear Professor Andrew Steane from the University of Oxford Department of Physics lecture on science and religion.

TPE has continued to participate in Dr Mary Plint’s ‘Talks for our Time,’ with pupils getting involved in discussions on free speech and on the environment. TPE Society has continued to be largely pupil-led, with talks on everything from Plato (Immy Mortimer and Gwennie Gulland), Time (Emelie Seelmann and Sonia Ku) and Epistemology (Sonia Ku), to the Philosophy of Photography (Ademide Obagun), Marxist Philosophy (Tom Churchfield and Fingal Evans), Augustine and Sin (Max Callon Hine and Immy Mortimer), Utilitarianism (River Ho and Max Callon Hine), and Business Ethics (Alvina Chan and Georgie Cook), and more besides. Something which is has been nice to see is that this year we have had some Third Form putting themselves forward to lead TPE Society, which is admirable given that they presented to an audience which included Sixth Form students. In terms of pupil successes Ivan Luhovyi is off to King’s College, London, to study Philosophy and Modern Languages.

Dr Matthew Harris