Anti-Racism Team

The A-R Team is now 60 strong! In the Autumn Term members gave year group assemblies training the whole school on how to be an Active Bystander; how to help someone who suffers abuse or micro-aggression from their peers. These were well received, and positively we have seen an increase in reports of incidents being dealt with by pupils directly, but also an increase in pupils reporting micro-aggressions. If we know about it, we can act!

The Spring Term saw a legacy and recruitment initiative, where the departing Upper Sixth had a chance to explain to incoming new members in the Fifth Form about the aims and objectives of the A-R Team. They also handed out the all-important A-R Team badges! There were also meetings led by pupils in Houses, inviting all comers to discuss issues and ideas that they felt could be addressed by the A-R Team.

In the Summer Term we developed the following ideas: establishing some ideas to present to the catering team about diversifying the international cuisine, especially on international themed days; putting together an anti-racism info-film, presented by the outgoing Upper Sixth pupils to use as a resource for future Floreat sessions; a poster campaign and a chapel address to expose, explore and explain some of the most common micro-aggressions experienced by minority groups.

The A-R Team has become interested in supporting the fabulous work of Young Roots and has put together a yearly plan of events that we can hold to raise funds for and work with them. These include pen pal projects between our pupils and the young refugees they champion.

We also organised a ‘Nations Festival’ social for all pupils for the first closed Saturday of the new Autumn Term (2024), featuring performances and music from the range of different cultures and ethnicities at College.

Mr Dan Evans