Design and Technology: Textiles
The Department has gone from strength to strength with creativity flourishing under the guidance of Mrs Sarah Tradgett, Miss Noleen Farmer and Mrs Rebecca Evely, supported by their skilled technicians Miss Eunice Wilson and Mrs Grace Gatley.
Sustainability has been a key theme. Third Form have worked hard and been excited to design and make their plant pot holders and iPad cases. Fourth Form explored dye and print, construction skills and the use of a variety of components.
Fifth Form GCSE pupils developed exciting and innovative prototypes ranging from a beehive that encourages pupils to learn more about STEM to an interactive dog blanket to raise funds for a charity.
Lower Sixth launched into the upcycling project to acquire skills in construction and surface decoration. They further developed their skills in making by adapting existing blocks into their own pattern adaptions. They were inspired by the annual trip to the Mulberry workshop in Somerset.
Upper Sixth A Level students have been particularly ambitious, incorporating high-level skills such as needle felting, dye and print methods, fine embroidery and beadwork as well as 3D printing and laser cutting/etching.
Zara Leach-Herrero and Gwennie Gulland gained places on the Vogue Summer School in New York to learn from the Vogue experts about the fashion business, styling and media. Futures Week included a joint trip with the Art Department to the New Designers event, the leading London graduate degree show.