Supported Schools – Shamrock School, Nepal
It was wonderful to have the opportunity of visiting Shamrock School again this Easter. However, the sad decision has been made to close the school at the end of this academic year. College and other sponsors have done an amazing job over the years of supporting Shamrock and the hundreds of pupils that have passed through its doors. Recent changes in legislation in Nepal have made it much more difficult to run charitable enterprises and this combined with high inflation means that sustaining Shamrock economically is just not viable. I am pleased to report that the pupils most affected, those currently in the Year 10 class, have been found new places at nearby Hill Point School. This is a fee-paying school but with support from our College community they have been able to continue their studies. Everyone involved with Shamrock would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to College for their support and visits over the years.
Mr Dominic Faulkner