President of the Cheltonian Society

Welcome to the Cheltonian Society section of The Cheltonian 2022-23.

You will see from this publication and elsewhere that College is in great health, evidenced especially by the outstanding feedback from the ISI report. Speech Day was an excellent day, celebrating school and individual success.

Our Society events agenda continues to build momentum, energised by the arrival of Diane Diver as Events Manager in September 2022. A highlight of the year, noting some personal bias, was the reunion for those who left College 40-50 years ago. Over 100 OCs and staff attended, enjoying some (boisterous at best) singing in Chapel, House visits, and an excellent lunch.

Our professional networking agenda has also expanded, thanks to the efforts of Nick Nelson. I really encourage members to consider further engagement in this important pillar of the Society’s activity. You can see more at www. And whilst on the site, please take the time to complete your profile!

Last but not least, on behalf of all Society members and on a personal basis, a huge thank you to the retiring Malcolm Sloan. There has been no greater servant to the College and the Society over his 50 years. We will miss you and we all wish you and Cathy a very happy retirement.

David Stewart
(H, 1978, past parent, current Council member and President of the Cheltonian Society)


Cheltonian Society Committee

The work of the Cheltonian Society is supported by members of the Committee.

Current members of the Cheltonian Society Committee are:

David Stewart, President
(OJ & H, 1978, past parent and current Council member)

Helen Allen
(Ch, 1987 and Chair of CET)

Lucy Caines
(W, 2010)

Heidi Callon Hine
(current parent)

Abi Coley
(current Prep staff and current parent)

Georgina Gardner
(Q, 2015)

Richard Hine
(H, 2011)

Anthony Holt
(Xt, 1994)

Darawati Hussain
(past parent)

Caroline Noble
(current parent)

Piers Norton
(S, 2016)

Alayne Parsley
(current Prep staff and past parent)

Tunku Nasiruddin Shahabuddin
(Xt, 1987 and past parent)

Malcolm Sloan
(Hon OC, past staff, past parent)

George Smith
(BH, 2010 and past staff)

Tim Swainson
(Xt, 2001)

Charles Wyn-Davies
(BH, 2008)

Ivan Yuen
(H, 1986)

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Cheltonian Society Committee, please contact Sebastian Bullock, Cheltonian Society & Development Director on [email protected]