Cheltenham Education Partnerships

College remains a driving force behind the work of the Cheltenham Education Partnership (CEP). CEP continues to grow and this year we welcomed Pate’s Grammar School and High School Leckhampton into the partnership. Mrs Nicola Huggett attends every meeting of the Steering Group and Dr Adam Dunning is a member of the CEP Leadership group. College teachers run several partnership events for pupils from all the CEP schools. These include Science lectures, a Literary Society, a GCSE Latin course, the Chemistry Spectacular and the AC Bradley Memorial Lecture. College pupils benefit enormously from CEP. In September they were able to listen to the political scientist, Sir Vernon Bogdanor give a lecture at Cheltenham Ladies’ College.

This year College organised its first Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science (MDV) Conference. Over 70 Year 11 and 12 pupils – many from CEP schools – heard from a range of inspirational speakers. They took part in an orthopaedic workshop provided by a consultant from Bristol. They also took part in a more hands-on workshop and learned how to suture. A highlight of the event was a networking lunch where pupils talked informally with healthcare professionals from the local area.

Dr Adam Dunning