Alex Kealy

There are few people who can say that they have made more of an impact on a Department in one year than Alex. He has single handedly created a scheme of work for every year group on OneNote, introduced the school to the extremely successful Industrial Cadets Award and has brought with him so many wonderful teaching strategies to get pupils engaged in lessons and having fun.

Outside of the Physics Department Alex has given so much to the CCF programme and Leconfield as well as to his teams on the sports field. As a knowledgeable and able coach of the 3rd XV rugby, he was always full of enthusiasm and the boys always enjoyed his sessions. He also brought fun and energy to his netball coaching for the U15E. He even joined in the staff vs leavers match where he showcased his hidden netball skills; he was particularly impressive under the post getting up high for the rebounds!

Alex is someone who will go out of his way to help people and so many have benefitted from the empathy that he shows pupils and staff alike. His new school is incredibly fortunate to be gaining Alex and we wish him the best of luck.

Matthew Cole