News from The Prep
We don’t teach too much Confucius at The Prep nowadays, but the old adage, often attributed to him, that a picture tells a thousand words is one we would strongly agree with. Hopefully the pictures found within these pages give you a sense of The Prep; of excitement, of adventure, of challenge, of dedication, of achievement and, most importantly, of fun!
Prep children bounce into school every day. They throw themselves into the broad spectrum of opportunities and challenges that each day provides. They love their school and they really are the very best ambassadors for it.
Anybody from prospective parents to former pupils to visits from The Good Schools Guide, will be toured around, not by me, but by some of our Upper School children. They are the ones who really bring the school to life.
I would love for you to come and find out for yourselves how brilliant they really are, so do get in touch. In the meantime, please enjoy the pictures, get a feel for the extraordinary sense of adventure and joie de vivre that is so evident in and around The Prep every single day.
Mr Tom O’Sullivan, Head, Cheltenham Prep