Katie Brooking

Where do we begin to say goodbye to Katie, Brooko, or our personal favourite Katrina and the Waves, which was initially a joke lost on someone born in 1998! Joking aside, she is our own ray of sunshine – even when there is another downpour during timetable games. Although only here for four years, Katie has contributed enormously to College life. In 2020 she joined as a Resident Sports Professional and since then she has fulfilled the roles of Head of Netball, Head of Girls’ Cricket and Resident Tutor in Ashmead. Under her leadership the Netball Club has flourished. Her professionalism and enthusiasm with the 1st VII and all netballers in the programme will be hugely missed. Katie is able to offer excellent technical and tactical coaching in all three sports to maximise the girls’ development and success.

Girls’ cricket has thrived under Katie’s leadership. Her passion and dedication to develop the game is outstanding and it is in a truly wonderful position. We can only thank Katie for this achievement.

The hole Katie leaves in Ashmead is enormous. She has become a part of the Ashmead family and she will be sorely missed by all. Starting during a lockdown Katie quickly became the big sister to all through her caring and approachable manner. At a time when the girls needed fun and challenge, we saw Katie’s true colours. She was bubbly, fun and encouraged so many pupils to join in with her online social events or PT circuits. Despite being the ‘young and fun one’ Katie has always set the highest expectations and has been friendly, firm and fair in her management of the girls. She fights their corner at all times and is always there with a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

In summary Katie has made a huge contribution to College and she will be hugely missed by all pupils, parents and staff. Her kindness, energy and positivity will leave very big shoes to fill! We wish her every success at Heath Mount School and hope that she and Jamie enjoy life together with their evenings not involving 100s of teenagers! We hope to see you back for many sports events for years to come.

Becky Faulkner and Lottie Robinson