Third Form pupils were thrown into the pBone Project at the start of the year and made quick progress in their playing of plastic trombones whilst developing their listening and ensemble skills. In the Summer Term the Video Game Music Project was a firm favourite amongst the year group.
The arrival of Mr Alex Fox as Assistant Director of Music has brought new ideas and initiatives for the GCSE groups. The Fourth Form has been immersed in structured listening preps ranging from the coronation anthems of GF Handel to Taylor Swift. Fifth Form produced an incredible range of compositions for the non-exam assessment (NEA), including some extremely ambitious extended pieces using both Sibelius and Logic Pro software.
Lower Sixth has been a delight to work with, bringing great humour and energy to lessons. A special mention must go to Hayden Tong who was appointed as the first Co-Curricular Music Society President.
Upper Sixth has been a fantastically fun year group, and this continued right up until study leave; the completion of their performance and composition NEA has been the least stressful process in my seven years at College!
Mr Shaun Pirttijarvi