
It has been another strong year for Classics. We welcomed Mrs Katherine Coates and her infectious love of Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation to the team.

Our pupils performed well in public exams. The 6th Form Classicists pulled off an impressive 90% A*-B at A Level, with five A grades across Latin and Classical Civilisation. The GCSE Latin set maintained the Department’s 10-year streak of gaining at least three quarters 8 and 9, the grades now viewed as A* equivalents. Those studying Greek were also a success, with Sarah Anstey gaining the third highest score gained by a Cheltonian on the new GCSE. In Classical Civilisation GCSE, where pupils faced by far the hardest challenge since the pandemic, it was fantastic to see some great results, with Anru Wang gaining the highest Cheltonian score yet. There was a higher proportion of top grades recorded than in 2019.

The Classics Society had a strong start to the year, with over 30 pupils attending our Michaelmas Term meeting, and the Lower College pupils continuing to be strongly involved. The programme of lectures (and pizza) with the Gloucestershire Classical Association continues to be popular, with a trip to the ‘But First – Let Me Take a Selfie’ talk of Professor Jane Masseglia proving a pupil favourite.

In September we welcomed Miss Felicity Edwards (Latin and Classical Civilisation) and Mrs Sarah Price (Classical Civilisation) to the Department and wish every success to Sebastian Thompson as he embarks on his Ancient History degree. We also bid sad farewells to Mr Harry Johnson, Mrs Rachel Smith and Mr Andrew Hollingbury, who move on to new ventures after a combined 14 years of involvement at the school. Please see the Valete section for a fulsome farewell.

Mr Tom Lambert