Supporting College Careers
Thank you to all the Cheltonian Society members who have volunteered for College careers events over the year.
“Without the invaluable help and support of volunteers from the Cheltonian Society the careers programme simply couldn’t offer all that it does. Whether giving up their time to talk about their own experience, offering help and guidance with employability skills, or providing specific advice on how to begin a career in a particular industry, members of the Cheltonian Society provide vital support in preparing Cheltonians for the next stage in their careers.” – Mrs Rebecca Evans, Head of Higher Education and Careers
“It was just wonderful to engage with the pupils and meet such a diverse bunch.” – Careers Evening volunteer
“The level of appreciation from the students was palpable.” – Lower Sixth mock interviews volunteer
“I left with a sense of being rather proud of the pupils. There is clearly a learning culture.” – Careers Evening volunteer
“The real value of this exercise was to immerse students into this type of situation and let them make mistakes and learn.” – Lower Sixth mock interviews volunteer
If you are interested in supporting College careers, please get in touch: [email protected]