The editors would like to thank the following for allowing the use of their images in this publication:
Gillman & Soame photographers. The photographs of Speech Day 2024 and staff Valete have been reproduced by kind permission of Gillman & Soame photographers and can be ordered online at
The equestrian image by M.H. Photos is available at
The image of Tom McEwen and the equestrian eventing team at the Paris Olympics 2024 is from @teamgb Instagram.
The lovely images of the children at The Milestone School and St John’s Church of England Primary School are produced with kind permission of the schools. We are grateful for this and in awe of the amazing work they do.
Editorial Notes
Old Houses will be named in full. The following abbreviations are used for current Houses:
A Ashmead
BH Boyne House
Ch Chandos
CL College Lawn
Xt Christowe
H Hazelwell
L Leconfield
NH Newick House
Q The Queen’s House S Southwood
W Westal
Our thanks
Too many to list here, but many thanks go to the great number of pupils, teachers, support staff, OCs and Housemasters and Housemistresses who have kindly provided articles, information and images for this edition.
The editor, Jane Brodigan, would like to thank: Kate Human for her excellent content from the Cheltonian Society; Ellie Ford for her amazing work with images; Spencer Huggett, Dion Douglas and Ademide Obagun for their excellent photography; Tessa Gingell for her expert input; and Laurette Thomas for her exhaustive technical editing, proof-reading, patience and all the aughter. Thank you too to the fantastic team in College Office, namely Helen Price and Ali Humphris for all your hard work with distribution. Special thanks must go to the lovely Jessica Ottley-Woodd whose proficiency and endless ability to laugh at my bad jokes made the job infinitely more enjoyable. My final edition would not be complete without thanking the amazing Christine Leighton, who worked with me on the magazines from 2012-2016 and from whom I learned so much. Final thanks go to my domestic support team: Blossom and Figgy who have lazed about through the whole thing, year on year, wondering what all the fuss is about. What a team! Thank you all!
On behalf of Cheltenham College, the editors would like to express the school’s gratitude to Mat Jolly of Jolly Good Design for the graphic design.